Week One: My Digital Autobiography

My name is Taylor Morhiser, I am a freshman at George Mason University currently majoring in English. I hope to graduate in the next five years with my masters specializing in teaching English as a second language. I am excited to be taking History 390 this semester. I hope this class will teach me different tools for conducting research online; furthermore, I hope this class teaches me how to utilize online tools to express what I have learned. I believe these are essential skills to possess in a modern world.

Everyday I utilize online resources for my entertainment, as well as for school purposes. For example, like most people today I communicate with those around me through social media. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Another simple tool I use for communication daily is texting.  This is a quick and easy way to communicate with friends and family. In regards to school, if I have a question about an assignment the fastest way to find the answer is to email the professor. Also professors will often send there instructions through email, or post them on a website that is accessible to the whole class. Assignments  are mostly submitted online as well, through email or some other online tool. All research that I must do for school is done online. I utilize the many websites that search engines have to offer, as well as the online library tools that George Mason offers. Finally I have just recently begun reading textbooks online. It is easier than ever to access books online in a matter of seconds and read them in any place. As technology advances new ways to complete tasks are created that make the process faster than ever.


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